Emmanuel Anglican Church, Gibbons, AB
We are made of the Anglican Communities of Gibbons, Bon Accord, Morinville,
Redwater, and the Residential areas of Sturgeon County
The Minister's Welcome Message
Welcome to the Christian Community of Emmanuel Anglican Parish of Gibbons. Please remember that God loves all his children, and nothing can change that love. Even if we have become prodigal by choice or by accident, it is essential to believe and know that God is ready and eager to accept us back and forgive us, no matter what we've done. He always waits for us to welcome us as one of His own. God is eager to put on us the robe of acceptance and re-integration, the sandals of new beginnings on our feet, the ring of kinship on our finger, and celebrate our return home with the members of His household. For God engraved us in the palm of his hand before we were born, and He called each of us by our names.
Our parish is made up of the four Christian Communities of Gibbons, Bon Accord, Morinville, Redwater and the surrounding Residential Areas of Sturgeon County. Every Sunday morning, we meet to celebrate and give thanks and praises to God for his love for us and for all people, for our redemption by our Lord Jesus Christ, and for the forgiveness we receive every day from the Holy Spirit for our sins and shortcomings.
I believe that God, the Creator of the Universe and all that is in it, has led you to our church website for a reason. Maybe you are searching for a place to pray, worship and meditate on Sundays. You may be looking for a Christian Community which strives to walks the talk.
At our church, you will have the opportunity to meet with other Christians Pilgrims who strive every day to seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness through worship, music, Bible Study, Practical Christian living, and other social events. Please remember that the spiritual journey is not smooth, but it is worthwhile. It is not a sprint; it is a marathon. Kindly note that we welcome both the poor and the rich; they are all children of God, and are equal in His eyes. Come as you are to give thanks and praises to the GIVER OF LOVE, GRACE AND LIFE.
If you are looking for a new Christian Community, please feel free to join us on Sundays for worship and fellowship at 10:00 a.m.. If you already belong to another church, we encourage you to maintain your contact and fellowship with your Christian brothers and sister of your church.
Here are some of the pastoral ministry services we offer in our community:
Discipleship for New Christians and Re-kindling of faith;
Home Visitation;
Hospital Visitation;
Spiritual Direction;
Family and Individual Counselling in time of need;
Christian Wedding;
Prayer Pals.
Anthony Kwaw †