Emmanuel Anglican Church, Gibbons, AB
We are made of the Anglican Communities of Gibbons, Bon Accord, Morinville,
Redwater, and the Residential areas of Sturgeon County
Vestry Meetings
3rd or 4th Sunday of each month after Worship
Worship & Fellowship
We have now restarted our coffee hour every Sunday after Worship in our Hall.
Bible Studies
To Be Announced
Please note that we have resumed in-person Church Services!
The Soup's On Ministry has been suspended until further notice.
Every Thursday, from 11 am - 1 p.m. There will be soup, rolls, coffee and tea in the Gibbons Anglican Church Hall.
Two kinds of soup: "Vegetarian and Meat" soups. No purchases required; by donations only. No money? Come and eat for free. It's on the Creator!!
Come and enjoy lunch and inspiring background music.
Emmanuel A.C.W., Gibbons
The A.C.W. have available for sale the 110th anniversary revised cookbook. Cost $20. There are more than 50 new recipes within the 600 plus recipe collection.
Call Willa at (780)476-2691