Emmanuel Anglican Church, Gibbons, AB
We are made of the Anglican Communities of Gibbons, Bon Accord, Morinville,
Redwater, and the Residential areas of Sturgeon County
"One Lord,
one faith,
one baptism ..."
(Ephesians 4:5)
Baptism is the sacrament of belonging. It is the way in which the church receives people into the family of God and is the beginning of a person's new life with Jesus Christ. Baptism is not only a sign that we belong to God through Jesus Christ, but it also marks our belonging to one another. The service of baptism is an ancient ritual in which water is poured over a person's head or the person is fully immersed in water in the name of the Holy Trinity — Father, Son and Holy Spirit. When we baptize someone, we affirm that this person has a spiritual home in the heart of God and among the people of Jesus Christ.
Baptisms, whether for an adult or a child, are a joyous, public event in the life of the Church and therefore usually take place at one of our main Sunday morning services. When deciding upon a date for you or your child's baptism, it is especially appropriate when celebrated at one of the following celebrations within the life of the Church: the Baptism of the Lord, the Transfiguration of the Lord, Easter Vigil April 11, 2015, the Day of Pentecost May 24, 2015, Holy Cross Day Sunday Sep 13 , 2015 and All Saints Sunday Nov 1, 2015, as well as any Sunday in the Easter Season.
The Anglican practice of baptizing the infants of believing parents is a bold extension of God's invitation to faith in Christ. It is an expression of our conviction that grace always precedes conscious faith. Children are invited to share in the blessings of the new covenant relationship with God through Christ along with their parents. When bringing children to be baptized, parents are also making a commitment to bring their children up to understand God's purpose for the world and to encourage them to participate in bringing about this purpose. As baptized individuals or parents of a child being baptized, we also promise to support the work of our local congregation and diocese through our gifts of time, talents, and financial resources.
If parents are not ready to make baptismal promises or wish to defer baptism until the child is able to make his or her own decision, the church also offers a service of “Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child”. This service provides an opportunity for a family to give thanks for the birth of a child and to pray for God's help in the child's care and nurture.
If you are interested in baptism for you or for your child, or you wish to celebrate a service of “Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child”, we encourage you to speak the priest after the Church service or call him at (780) 405-8657 to discuss a date for the baptism. We look forward to talking with you and getting to know you and your family.