Emmanuel Anglican Church, Gibbons, AB
We are made of the Anglican Communities of Gibbons, Bon Accord, Morinville,
Redwater, and the Residential areas of Sturgeon County
"A man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh." Matthew 19:5
"We believe marriage is sacred. It was instituted by God and blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ. Marriage at its deepest and best is a joyful and challenging union which results in mutual fulfilment for both husband and wife. It is a relationship which requires faithfulness in each partner until the couple is parted by death. Christians believe marriage signifies to us the mystical union between Christ and his Church. The relationship of marriage will require self-discipline which will result in a life giving and lasting love.
We believe marriages need the resources of the Christian faith if they are to approach Christian ideals. Therefore, we commend to you a deeper and fuller participation in the life of the Church. We believe your marriage will be deepened by regular Prayer, Bible reading and worship within a Christian community.
Your wedding day is a happy and sacred event. You undertake tremendous responsibilities towards each other. Do remember, however, you are surrounded by a community of people who encourage, support and love you.
God's blessing be with you always."
The Rt. Rev. Fred Hiltz,
Primate, Anglican Church of Canada
It is our joy and delight to host weddings in our churches. Some practical considerations:
Once you have shared your news with family and friends, your first call should be to the church. Ideally, you would give 6-10 months' notice to be assured of your preferred date and the availability of a clergy person.
Our church worship space is a beautiful setting for a wedding. Part of the beauty of the church in Gibbons is its intimate size, and this should be considered when inviting guests.
We are a liturgical church and have a set service for weddings. Weddings in the parish will follow the order for marriage in either The Book of Common Prayer or Book of Alternative Services and will be held in accordance with the Anglican Church of Canada's Canon on Marriage and our Diocesan Marriage Policy.
All couples, regardless of age or previous marriages, are required to take a marriage preparation course and any additional meetings with the rector and held at the rector's discretion. By canon law, the Rector must be satisfied that the couple intends and is able to undertake a Christian marriage before he consents to conduct the wedding.
One member of the couple must be baptized.
Divorced persons seeking to remarry while their former spouse is still alive are required to obtain permission of the Bishop for remarriage in church.
Marriage after divorce is not permitted in the Diocese of Edmonton less than one full year after the date of the most recent divorce certificate issued to either person seeking to be married. Exemption from this policy requires the Bishop’s permission.
Consultation with the Bishop is required when one of the persons seeking to marry, has been divorced more than once.
There are costs associated with using the church, engaging the organist or other musicians and so on. Please feel free to call us for specific information.